Human Respiration Detection using Wi-Fi Signals

This project presents a system to detect human respiration using Wi-Fi devices. The system does not require subject to wear any device, and hence detection is done in a contact-free manner. We investigate the Fresnel model for WiFi radio propagation in indoor environment and develop the theory to relate one’s breathing depth, location, and orientation to respiration. We develop a prototype system and conduct real-world experiments to evaluate the system.

This work has been reported in UbiComp 2016.

Tao Gu
Tao Gu
IEEE Fellow
AAIA Fellow
ACM Distinguished Member
Email: firstname dot lastname AT
Phone: +61-2-9850-4357
Address: Room 267, 4 Research Park Drive, North Ryde, NSW 2109, Australia

My research interests include Internet of Things, Ubiquitous Computing, Mobile Computing, Embedded AI, Wireless Sensor Networks, and Big Data Analytics.